Snapseed App for the iPhone- How to add a grid to your painting or photo

A Simple free Tool for your iPhone for overlaying a grid on your photo or your painting, 

You don't have to use Photoshop!!

All the information is here:

Or go to the app store and download the Snapseed app (free).

Basic Steps with an Example 

See Detailed Steps below.

  1.  Snapseed app, load an image. or take a photo to be overlayed.  In this example I selected a photo previously cropped to a 3:4 aspect ratio (9x12),  

  2. Then in the double exposure option in the app I add a 3x4 Dynamic Symmetry++ grid, pulled from my albums. 

3. Resulting combined image with grid superimposed. I did adjust the opacity of the grid layer in the app (see details below). 

Now, one can sketch this directly on a 3x4 "gridded" card as a study or 9x12 "gridded" canvas. Refer to the post on a detailed application in the field.

Detailed Steps with the same Example:

Detailed steps in the Snapseed app, applying the simple Dynamic Symmetry grid (and then extra, applying the plain Rebated Squares' grid on top of the result):

Download the (free) app, Snapseed to place it on your home screen:

In Snapseed, we first open up the desired image for the overlayed grid:

Once loaded, select the Tools:

Select Double Exposure:

Select add a (second) image - a grid.

Find the image in your albums:

Result of adding the grid

Select the opacity option for the grid:

Adjust the opacity of the grid:

Final image with grid (note the potential focal point near the domes' highlight; this is one of the four intersections of a main diagonal with its reciprocal, a right angle for maximum movement or thrust):

Select done:

Export the image with the grid:

Save a copy of the image with the grid:

The saved copy is now in your Photo library.


Adding a Second grid on top (if desired, here for your information; we have a Dynamic Symmetry++ grid also, ready to be applied once), selecting the rebated square grid to superimpose on the dynamic symmetry grid.  Repeat the process with this second grid (rebated square) but applying it to this image with the Dynamic Symmetry grid  (remember we saved a copy):

Export this image with the two superimposed grids (note that the 'rebated' title almost covers the 'dynamic' title):
Now check and export as before followed by a save image as copy:

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