(extra) Color Mixing on the web with online Apps with RGB and CMYK

May begin color mixing by studying color pickers provided by on-line tools. These are based on the RGB color wheel for web development, with its additive nature.   So first, an explanation of the RGB colors on the color wheel.

We will see the representation of the R, G, B hues as 'hexadecimal'; e.g., red is #FF0000, where the FF masks the red perfectly and 00 masks the green and blue perfectly, but you will notice that the third hue in these tertiaries are masked with 7F.

Binary numbers are 0's and 1's; 7 = 0111 in binary; F = 1111 in binary, so we see 0, 7 and F here. White would be FFFFF a perfect mix of R, G and B, while Black is 000000, a complete absence of an R, G or B. Yellow, magenta and cyan are complements of blue, green and red in this scheme.  In fact the hexadecimal notation for these complements has '1's in place of '0' and vice versa for the primaries and secondaries.  The tertiaries are aligned somewhat differently., with 7F masking the third hue in the mix.

Another view of the RGB color wheel:

Used for monitors.

Used for printed images.

RGB Color Wheel and Picker

Microsoft Products (paint bucket icon):

And even more....
Adobe Photoshop:

Adobe Photoshop Color Picker Tool Explanation: 

Example Adobe color picker choice: 

Some Online Color Tools for Experimentation:
Peter Piper's Palette Picker
Meyer Webb Color Blender

Golden Color Mixing Guide Excellent and thorough description of color mixing.

Golden Acrylic Color Mixer This is really fun and useful for acrylics' painters, perhaps even for oil and watercolor. It lets you mix tube paints online!  We can limit the colors to primaries and compare them with secondaries. I'm not sure the results are as accurate as we might want.

Read moreWeb safe colors hexadecimal RGB versions of 216 colors.

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