Analysis of Taos Gorge Fusion


Taos Gorge Fusion, 20x16, oil
I did not use a Dynamic Symmetry Armature during the design of this painting. I decided to analyze the design against an armature to see how the painting could be improved - or not.

First I layered a Dynamic Symmetry Armature plus Rebated Squares on the painting as is:

Taos Gorge Fusion with Dynamic Symmetry++ Armature

Visit my website to read the Description of this painting. In the description I remark on the inspiration artists have derived from this gorge's configuration; it does lend itself to analysis via an armature. 

However, I can see several points to make: if the brightness of the sky is to be a focal point, it's not close to our usual focal points: the intersections of diagonals and their reciprocals.  In fact, though, perhaps a better focal point would be within the gorge itself. I do see an alignment of edges of the canyon with the armature. Also note the parallel of the river with a reciprocal line. 

But I decided to analyze further by looking at the armature in photoshop, layering it over the image and then moving it around:

Another attempt: 

Either would work: note that the smaller rectangles are the same aspect ratio.  In these cases, the reciprocal is almost on the river. Also note how the reciprocal lies along the prominent rock's edge.  Other lines in the armature seem magically to parallel or lie on important edges of the gorge.  So, a smaller painting of the same proportions might work.  

On the other hand, now that I analyze the painting further against the original armature, I am not unhappy with it; it almost looks as if an armature were in fact utilized during the painting. 

Here's a cropped version:
Cropped Taos Gorge Fusion

The sky has been reduced.

Let's put these images side-by-side for comparison:

So, the question is: Should we:
  1. Leave the painting alone?
  2. Crop the panel to the indicated smaller size?
  3. Start over again with a new painting?
What do you think?

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