Snapseed App for the iPhone- How to add a grid to your painting or photo
A Simple free Tool for your iPhone for overlaying a grid on your photo or your painting, You don't have to use Photoshop!! All the information is here: . Or go to the app store and download the Snapseed app (free). Basic Steps with an Example See Detailed Steps below. Snapseed app, load an image. or take a photo to be overlayed. In this example I selected a photo previously cropped to a 3:4 aspect ratio (9x12), Then in the double exposure option in the app I add a 3x4 Dynamic Symmetry++ grid, pulled from my albums. 3. Resulting combined image with grid superimposed. I did adjust the opacity of the grid layer in the app (see details below). Now, one can sketch this directly on a 3x4 "gridded" card as a study or 9x12 "gridded" canvas. Refer to the post on a detailed application in the field. Detailed Steps with the same Example: Detailed steps in the Snapseed app, applying the simple D...