2023 Preliminary Workshop Notes on Composition Armatures
11/17/2024: I had forgotten how much I wrote on this post. Much of this material was used for the 2023 workshop I taught at the Bluebird Studios in Santa Fe. After writing this blog post I decided to use word documents to maintain the notes. The 2024 workshop was given as a continuation but due to the review of the concepts in the workshop new students attended as well. For more information, visit the Workshops' tab on my website: https://karenhalbert.com/ . Plans are being made now for a 2025 workshop. 10/4/2023: Extensively revised in a separate word document, simplified with the addition of images. A 'flip book' has been created that should be kept up-to-date: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/82714269/ 10/2/2023 Initial outline for a workshop that covers several armatures or grids that can be used by painters during the composition phase or the post-analysis phase. Composition Armatures ...