A Mathematician Paints: Article Resumed

It's time to resume working on an article I've promised myself for years. Perhaps it could become a book. I've been too busy painting though. But also, the one gallery representing me (Marigold Gallery on Canyon Road in Santa Fe) closed in January so I've been thinking about next steps. But the main reason I am thinking about this now is that I see some excitement generated in the community to revisit the design techniques that I see as mathematical, involving dynamic symmetry concepts. I could even touch on the deeper mathematics behind the techniques in an appendix. This will fulfill my need to marry my two passions: painting and mathematics. In any case, two years ago I took a zoom workshop with Michele Byrne (now of Santa Fe) well-known artist specializing in using a palette knife, my favorite painting tool. An added benefit of the workshop was to see how she employs dynamic symmetry in her work: https://www.oilpaintersofamerica.com/2022/03/dynamic-symmetry-and-ho...