Turbulence in Paintings
Notes Under Construction
Recently I became aware of an interest in the study of turbulence in paintings. Googling turbulence in paintings leads to several sites with artists from Leonardi da Vinci to Van Gogh and Jackson Pollack. For example*, "a mathematical analysis of the works of Van Gogh reveals that the stormy patterns in many of his paintings are uncannily like real turbulence, as seen in swirling water or the air from a jet engine".Some Links of Interest
- Painting with Turbulence: https://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2015/04/01/396637276/van-goghs-turbulent-mind-captured-turbulence https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3292&context=all_theses - a master's thesis, very technical involving simulations. But it includes information about the history of the term, turbulence, in art beginning with Leonardi da Vinci: "More than five hundred years ago, Renaissance artist and engineer Leonardo da Vinci identified turbulence as a distinct natural phenomenon and used the term turbolenza for the first time." "George Gabriel Stokes later extended the equations to what we currently know as the famous Navier-Stokes equations, which are believed to fully describe turbulent flows"
- https://medium.com/the-omnivore/how-did-van-goghs-turbulent-mind-depict-one-of-the-most-complex-concepts-in-physics-a10d0faacdbc "Yet perhaps no element of The Starry Night is as recognizable as the air currents unfurling across the sky. This emotive effect of ethereal movement was achieved through the painter’s employment of luminance, “a measure of the relative brightness between different points,” NPR defines. “The eye is more sensitive to luminance change than to color change, meaning we respond more promptly to changes in brightness than in colors. This is what gives many Impressionist paintings that familiar and emotionally moving twinkle.”
Ted Talks
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMerSm2ToFY (The Unexpected Math Behind Starry Nights) (for children but fun to watch)
- https://www.ted.com/talks/natalya_st_clair_the_unexpected_math_behind_van_gogh_s_starry_night?language=en (See transcript below.)
- https://www.ted.com/talks/amy_segami_everything_new_emerges_from_turbulence_may_2020
- https://www.facebook.com/TEDEducation/videos/2473815429298315
Physics and Mathematics of Turbulence:
-Begin article:
Measured Chaos
Darkness and light
"We show that the patterns of luminance in some impassioned van Gogh paintings display the mathematical structure of fluid turbulence. Specifically, we show that the probability distribution function (PDF) of luminance fluctuations of points (pixels) separated by a distance R compares notably well with the PDF of the velocity differences in a turbulent flow, as predicted by the statistical theory of A.N. Kolmogorov. We observe that Turbulent paintings of van Gogh belong to his last period, during which episodes of prolonged psychotic agitation of this artist were frequent. Our approach suggests new tools that open the possibility of quantitative objective research for art representation.
"Since the early impressionism, artists empirically discovered that an adequate use of luminance could generate the sensation of motion [1]. This dynamic style was more complex in the case of van Gogh paintings of the last period: turbulence is the main adjective used to describe these paintings.
"By considering the analogy with the Kolmogorov turbulence theory, from our results we conclude that the turbulence of the luminance of the studied van Gogh paintings shows similar characteristic to real turbulence.
"Luminance is a measure of the luminous intensity per unit area. It describes the amount of light that passes through or is emitted from a particular area, and falls within a given solid angle [10]. Its psychological effect is bright and thus luminance is an indicator of how bright a surface will appear. In a digital image, the luminance of a given pixel is obtained from its RBG (red, green and blue) components as [11]
0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B (1)
This formula takes into account the fact that the human eye is more sensitive to green, then red and lastly blue. The luminance value of different colors is easily obtained with this formula; we quickly infer that the color with more green is brighter to the eye than the color with more blue, and some examples are as follows. Using RGB values in 24 bits per pixel (8 bits per color), black color (0, 0, 0) has the lowest luminace (0) and white (255, 255, 255) the higher one (255). Intermediate values corresponds, for instance, to blue (0, 0, 255) → 29, red (255,0,0) → 76, green (0,255,0) → 150, cyan (0,255,255) → 179, yellow (255, 255, 0) → 226, etc. Interestingly, gray colors have the same RBG values, so (10, 10, 10) is a dark gray with luminance 10 and (200, 200, 200) is a light gray with luminance 200.
Luminance contains the most important piece of information in a visual context and has been used by artists to produce certain effects. For instance, the technique of equiluminance has been used since the first impressionist painters to transmit the sensation of motion in a painting. Notably Claude Monet in his famous painting Impression, Sunrise, used regions with the same luminance, but contrasting colours, to make his sunset twinkle. The biological basis behind this effect is that colour and luminance are analyzed by different parts of the visual system; shape is registered by the region that processes colour information (ventral pathway) but motion is registered by the colour blind part (dorsal pathway) [1]. Thus equiluminant regions can be differentiated by colour contrast, but they have poorly defined positions and may seem to vibrate [1]. It seems likely that van Gogh dominated this technique but some of the paintings of his last period produce a more disturbing feeling: they transmit the sense of turbulence. By assuming that luminance is the property that van Gogh used to transmit this feeling (without being aware of it), we will quantify the turbulence of some impassioned paintings by means of a statistical analysis of luminance, similar to the statistical analysis of velocities that Andrei Kolmogorov used to study fluid turbulence.
Van Gogh and Jackson Pollock - and Turbulence
Transcript of Ted Talk: Van Gogh and Starry Night
- 00:40 As difficult as turbulence is to understand mathematically, we can use art to depict the way it looks. In June 1889, Vincent van Gogh painted the view just before sunrise from the window of his room at the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole asylum in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, where he'd admitted himself after mutilating his own ear in a psychotic episode. In "The Starry Night," his circular brushstrokes create a night sky filled with swirling clouds and eddies of stars. Van Gogh and other Impressionists represented light in a different way than their predecessors, seeming to capture its motion, for instance, across sun-dappled waters, or here in star light that twinkles and melts through milky waves of blue night sky. The effect is caused by luminance, the intensity of the light in the colors on the canvas. The more primitive part of our visual cortex, which sees light contrast and motion, but not color, will blend two differently colored areas together if they have the same luminance. But our brains' primate subdivision will see the contrasting colors without blending. With these two interpretations happening at once, the light in many Impressionist works seems to pulse, flicker and radiate oddly. That's how this and other Impressionist works use quickly executed prominent brushstrokes to capture something strikingly real about how light moves.
- 02:13 Sixty years later, Russian mathematician Andrey Kolmogorov furthered our mathematical understanding of turbulence when he proposed that energy in a turbulent fluid at length R varies in proportion to the 5/3rds power of R. Experimental measurements show Kolmogorov was remarkably close to the way turbulent flow works, although a complete description of turbulence remains one of the unsolved problems in physics. A turbulent flow is self-similar if there is an energy cascade. In other words, big eddies transfer their energy to smaller eddies, which do likewise at other scales. Examples of this include Jupiter's Great Red Spot, cloud formations and interstellar dust particles.
- 02:57 In 2004, using the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists saw the eddies of a distant cloud of dust and gas around a star, and it reminded them of Van Gogh's "Starry Night." This motivated scientists from Mexico, Spain and England to study the luminance in Van Gogh's paintings in detail. They discovered that there is a distinct pattern of turbulent fluid structures close to Kolmogorov's equation hidden in many of Van Gogh's paintings.
- 03:27 The researchers digitized the paintings, and measured how brightness varies between any two pixels. From the curves measured for pixel separations, they concluded that paintings from Van Gogh's period of psychotic agitation behave remarkably similar to fluid turbulence. His self-portrait with a pipe, from a calmer period in Van Gogh's life, showed no sign of this correspondence. And neither did other artists' work that seemed equally turbulent at first glance, like Munch's "The Scream."
- 03:57 While it's too easy to say Van Gogh's turbulent genius enabled him to depict turbulence, it's also far too difficult to accurately express the rousing beauty of the fact that in a period of intense suffering, Van Gogh was somehow able to perceive and represent one of the most supremely difficult concepts nature has ever brought before mankind, and to unite his unique mind's eye with the deepest mysteries of movement, fluid and light.